Broken Memories

"Broken Memories" is a compelling short film that delves into the life of a young thief who, having grown up without a father, experiences a traumatic public humiliation. His path takes an unexpected turn when he forms an extraordinary father-son bond with an elderly ex-military man suffering from Dissociative Amnesia following a recent fall.

An international short film Shot in Cali, Colombia in March of 2024. Starring Gustavo Angarita.

In collaboration with SCAD University, HD Cinemas Colombia and Gala Del Sol Films.

Written, Directed, Edited and starring Andres Hermida.


This film explores profound themes such as human connection, grief, masculinity, social disparities, and the opportunity for redemption. Its narrative draws inspiration from the stark social contrast between the privileged and the underprivileged, exemplified by the 2021 Colombian protests. These events left an indelible mark on communities across Colombia, with Cali being one of the most affected areas. In mid-March, we will embark on a journey to Cali, Colombia, to capture the essence of this divided community, torn apart by differences in social status, beliefs, and economic standing.

Through our storytelling, we aim to bridge the gap between these two disparate groups by highlighting their shared human longing for connection. This unique relationship symbolizes the possibility of finding peace through love, ultimately offering hope and healing to a community in need. Through the profound relationship between our two protagonists, we seek to convey a powerful message of peace and love transcending the boundaries of class and belief, ultimately illustrating the universal human desire for connection and understanding.

